Welcome to DGT Kids
(Children’s Ministry of Duluth Gospel Tabernacle)
DGT Kids is a safe, fun place where kids learn about Jesus. Our hope is that every child discovers an authentic relationship with Jesus, learns about the Bible and is empowered to share their faith with others!
We ask that all kids age birth to 6th grade that attend DGT regularly be registered into our Church Check-in system
We take the safety of our children’s ministry seriously.
All kids need to be checked in & checked out using our sticker check-in system.
Building Strong Kids
What We Offer
We want your family to feel welcome at our church and help your kids discover God's truth.

Nursery Birth to 3 Years Old
Sunday Mornings
Caring, qualified nursery staff and volunteers minister in our nursery program, for children who are infants through age two during our Sunday School and 10:30 services. Our goal is to provide a safe, nurturing environment where young children and families can see the love of the Lord. (Located in balcony area by east entrance.)
FYI-changing tables located in most bathrooms and nursing room in balcony area of sanctuary.

Sunday School
Sundays – 9:00 AM-Sept.-May
Children from 3 years through 6th Grade meet together for age appropriate Sunday school classes.

DGT Kids Church
Sundays – 10:30 AM (All year)
Children worship with their families and are dismissed just prior to the sermon to DGT Kids Church. Ages 3yrs-kindergarten meet in the Rainbow Room. First-6th grade in lower fellowship hall. Be sure to Check in!
DGT Kids on Wednesdays

Girls and boys ages 3 (before 9/1) & 4 come to this class for a fun evening of play, songs and crafts all learning about Jesus.

DGT Girls & Boys
Boys and Girls ages K to 4th meet each week and are involved in a program called Bible Engagement Project.

DGT Focus Five SIx
Focus Five Six is our Middle-school Youth Group.
This is for girls and boys grades 5th and 6th. It meets by the kitchen and is FUN and deals with relevant subjects!

Nursery Care
Nursery care is available Wednesday nights for children birth to 3 years located in balcony above east entrance.
Special Activities
Vacation Bible School
VBS is a summer time 4-day program that provides kids the opportunity to reach out to their friends for Christ. Crafts, stories, skits, sports and so much more are a part of this fun day-camp adventure. This is a week to bring the neighbor kids!
August 5-9, 2024
9 AM - Noon (Free Event)
The trunk-or-treat is an annual event for children and their families on Sunday before October 31st each year. Candy, carnival games, fun, food and fellowship is all here for families of our church and community!
October 27, 2024
3pm to 5pm (Free Events)
Easter Egg Hunt
The Easter Egg Event is a family interactive adventure the Saturday before Easter. There are thousands of eggs filled with candy, centers for your kids to enjoy and our special coffee bar for parents as we celebrate what Jesus did for us!
March 31, 2024
10 am to noon (Free Event)
Child / Parent Dedication
This is a special time where parents promise to raise their child in the teaching of the Bible and to love and serve Christ. The church promises to support parents in the mission of connecting their child with Christ. If you would like to have your child dedicated please contact Pastor Rebecca or the church office. (218-722-1928)
Kids Camp
(3rd - 6th) Each summer we load the kids on our bus and head to Fosston,MN for Bible camp. This is at Sand Hill Lake Bible Camp. (Fundraising and small scholarships available.) July 10-14, 2023